Welcome! This site is where you will learn more about your housing assignment for Indiana University Bloomington.
If you would like to review your application, you may log back into the New Student Housing Application, review your prerequisites if needed and select the "View/Print Application" button for your 2024-25 academic year contract, or Spring 2025 contract.
Use your network ID and passphrase to log in and learn information about your current and future housing assignments with IU Housing. Logout when you are done to protect the privacy of your information.
The system only displays data for one semester, although the housing contracts are for an entire academic year (2024-25). Spring 2025 assignment data will be available starting January 2025.
It is our expectation that this contract will be completed by the incoming IU student. Providing anyone, including a student's parents/guardians, with a student's passphrase is a university security violation.
Any violations will be reported to UITS. If you have unknowingly violated UITS policy, you may reset your passphrase here.